کتاب Brief for Book strategy of management and leadership
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کتاب Brief for Book strategy of management and leadership
کتاب Brief for Book strategy of management and leadership نوشتهی ملیکا ملک آرا، خلاصهی اصول مدیریت به زبان انگلیسی است.
در بخشی از کتاب Brief for Book strategy of management and leadership می خوانیم:
Characteristics which in this commission. The power belongs to people's hand which have extra ordinary characteristics and adjective the second form of commission is conventional for this reason that they are basic and judgment originally
It means that the power is inherited and handed according to family relationship and just belongs to special family and inherited from parents to children
The last for of commission is mind legitimacy which is against to two other commission for this reason that they are basics and judgment originally
According to Towcher this kind of commitment which is naturally is both reasonable and legal is the best kind of commitment because it has both effeteness and is according to mind and legitimistic